Results for 'O. F. M. Boehner'

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  1.  26
    Walram von Siegburg O. F. M. und seine Doktorpromotion an der Kölner Universität Ed. by Sophronius Ciasen O. F. M.Philotheus Boehner - 1953 - Franciscan Studies 13 (4):137-138.
  2.  27
    A Proof of the Existence of God According to Fr. Pacificus Borgmann, O. F. M.Fr Philotheus Boehner - 1943 - Franciscan Studies 3 (4):374-386.
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  3.  19
    The Problem of Divine Anger in Arnobius and Lactantius by Ermin F. Micka, O. F. M.Philotheus Boehner - 1944 - Franciscan Studies 4 (3):296-298.
  4.  30
    Obras de San Buenaventura ed. by León Amorós, O.F.M., Bernardo Apperibay, O.F.M., and Miguel Oromi, O.F.M.Philotheus Boehner - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (4):513-514.
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    In Memoriam Philotheus Boehner, O. F. M. 1901-1955.The Editorial Board - 1955 - Franciscan Studies 15 (2):101-105.
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    Examination of Conscience According to Saint Bonaventure By Philotheus Boehner, O. F. M.M. Frances - 1953 - Franciscan Studies 13 (2-3):225-225.
  7.  38
    Bibliography of Fr. Philotheus Boehner, O. F. M.Eligius M. Buytaert - 1955 - Franciscan Studies 15 (3):321-331.
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    Boehner, Philotheus, O. F. M., Examination of Conscience According to Saint Bonaventure. [REVIEW]J. Hartmann - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (2):447-448.
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  9.  43
    Ockham: Philosophical Writings, A selection edited and translated by Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M.Mary Anthony Brown - 1958 - Franciscan Studies 18 (2):218-219.
  10.  67
    Philotheus Boehner. Ockham's theory of supposition and the notion of truth. Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M., Ph.D., Collected articles on Ockham, edited by Eligius M. Buytaert, Franciscan Institute publications, philosophy series no. 12, The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure, N.Y., E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain, and F. Schöningh, Paderborn, 1958, pp. 232–267. [REVIEW]Ernest A. Moody - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (3):130.
  11.  47
    Medieval Logic—An Outline of its Development from 1250-c. 1400, by Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M., of The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure, New York. (Manchester University Press, 1952. Pp. xvii + 130. Price 12s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]Leslie J. Walker - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (106):283-.
  12.  24
    Philotheus Boehner. Der Stand der Ockham-Forschung. Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M., Ph.D., Collected articles on Ockham, edited by Eligius M. Buytaert, Franciscan Institute publications, philosophy series no. 12, The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure, N.Y., E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain, and F. Schöningh, Paderborn, 1958, pp. 1–23. , pp. 12–31.). [REVIEW]Ernest A. Moody - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (3):129-130.
  13.  16
    Philotheus Boehner. Ockham's Tractatus de praedestinatione et de praescientia Dei et de futuris contingentibus and its main problems. A reprint of VII 46. Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M., Ph.D., Collected articles on Ockham, edited by Eligius M. Buytaert, Franciscan Institute publications, philosophy series no. 12, The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure, N.Y., E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain, and F. Schöningh, Paderborn, 1958, pp. 420–441. [REVIEW]Ernest A. Moody - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (3):131-132.
  14.  56
    Franciscan Institute Publications; Philosophy Series: The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: The Tractatus de Successivis, attributed to William of Ockham.Franciscan Institute Publications; Philosophy Series: The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: The Tractatus de Praedestinatione et de Praescientia Dei et de Futuris Contingentibus, edited by Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M.Franciscan Institute Publications; Philosophy Series: The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: The Transcendentals and their Function in the Metaphysics of Duns Scotus, by Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M., Ph.D.Franciscan Institute Publications; Philosophy Series: The Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure, N.Y.: Intuitive Cognition, A Key to the Significance of the Later Scholastics, by Sebastian J. Day, O.F.M., Ph.D. [REVIEW]T. Corbishley - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (90):274-.
  15.  30
    Studi su gli "Scritti" di frate Francesco (review).O. F. M. Blastic - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:521-525.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:This volume collects seven articles of Carlo Paolazzi, O.F.M., previously published in journals and congress proceedings between 1996 and 2004, each of them dealing with the Writings of Francis. The essays are not arranged chronologically but move from more general to more specific studies on the Writings of Francis of Assisi. The titles of the essays included are: 1) The Birth of the Writings and Constitution of the Canon (...)
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  16.  13
    The Logic of God Incarnate by Thomas V. Morris.O. F. M. Thomas Weinandy - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):367-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Logic of God Incarnate. By THOMAS V. MORRIS. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986. Pp. 220. $19.95. Thomas V. Morris, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, has written a technical yet provocative study on the Incarnation. As a faithful Christian he believes in and desires to defend the traditional Christian doctrine of the Incarnation proclaimed in the New Testament and defined by the (...)
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  17.  54
    Two Uses of the Vita Christi Genre in Tuscany, c. 1300: John de Caulibus and Ubertino da Casale Compared. A Response to Daniel Lesnick, ten years hence.O. F. M. Cusato - 1999 - Franciscan Studies 57 (1):131-148.
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  18.  20
    Das Isaak-Opfer. Historisch-systematische Untersuchung zu Rationalität und Wandelbarkeit des Naturrechts in der mittelalterlichen Lehre vom natürlichen Gesetz (review).O. F. M. Flood - 2002 - Franciscan Studies 60 (1):373-378.
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    Die "Yconomica" des Konrad von Megenberg. Das "Haus" als Norm für politische und soziale Strukturen by Gisela Drossbach (review).O. F. M. Flood - 1999 - Franciscan Studies 57 (1):227-229.
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    John of Wales 'Commentary on the Franciscan Rule'.O. F. M. Flood - 2002 - Franciscan Studies 60 (1):93-96.
  21.  46
    Passionstheologie und Passionsfrömmigkeit im ausgehenden Mittelalter. Der Nürnberger Franziskaner Stephan Fridolin (gest. 1498) zwischen Kloster und Stadt by Petra Seegets (review).O. F. M. Flood - 1999 - Franciscan Studies 57 (1):229-230.
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  22.  18
    Read It at Chapter: Francis of Assisi and the Scritti.O. F. M. Flood - 2002 - Franciscan Studies 60 (1):341-357.
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  23.  26
    Recent Study on Peter Olivi.O. F. M. Flood - 2000 - Franciscan Studies 58 (1):111-119.
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    Geraldus Odonis: On the Univocity of the Concept of Being.O. F. M. Gál - 1992 - Franciscan Studies 52 (1):23-51.
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    Petrus Thomae's Proof for the Existence of God.O. F. M. Gál - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 56 (1):115-118.
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    The Ockham Edition: William of Ockham's Opera Philosophica et Theologica.O. F. M. Gál & Rega Wood - 1991 - Franciscan Studies 51 (1):83-101.
  27.  25
    Beyond the Prime Mover of Aristotle: Faith and Reason in the Medieval Franciscan Tradition.O. F. M. Hayes - 2002 - Franciscan Studies 60 (1):7-15.
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    The Death of Christ in the Theology of Matthew of Aquasparta.O. F. M. Hayes - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 56 (1):189-201.
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    St. Bonaventure as Biblical Interpreter: His Methods, Wit, and Wisdom.O. F. M. Karris - 2002 - Franciscan Studies 60 (1):159-206.
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    The Place of the Money Bag in the Secular-Mendicant Controversy at Paris.O. F. M. Karris - forthcoming - Franciscan Studies 68 (1):21-38.
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  31.  27
    Homily on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Franciscan Institute: July 15, 1990.O. F. M. Mailleux - 1991 - Franciscan Studies 51 (1):1-6.
  32.  35
    Koncepcja pomiaru według Kazimierza Ajdukiewicza.O. F. M. Olejnik - 1993 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 15.
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  33.  51
    Peter Olivi's Dialogue with Aristotle on the Emotions.O. F. M. Dominic Whitehouse - 2012 - Franciscan Studies 70:189-245.
    Peter of John Olivi composed Question 57 of his Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum (“Questions on the Second Book of the Sentences”) in the decade after William of Moerbeke had translated, not long before 1270, Aristotle’s On Rhetoric into Latin.2 It was above all Moerbeke’s translation that gave thirteenth-century Europe access to the analysis of the emotions that Aristotle had placed in Book Two of the work. Two earlier translations existed: one that Hermannus Alemannus had made from an Arabic translation (...)
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  34.  21
    The Place of the Money Bag in the Secular-Mendicant Controversy at Paris.O. F. M. Robert J. Karris - 2010 - Franciscan Studies 68 (1):21-38.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Place of the Money Bag in the Secular-Mendicant Controversy at ParisRobert J. Karris O.F.M. (bio)Money bag, money bag. So many Bible-reading Christians don't know of your existence. In their defense I note that you are only mentioned twice in the entire New Testament: John 12:6 and 13:29. If faithful Bible-reading Christians don't know of your existence, what is your fate among the faithful who are less than faithful?! (...)
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  35.  71
    Newman's Psychological Discovery: The Illative Sense.O. F. M. Dr Zeno - 1950 - Franciscan Studies 10 (4):418-440.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NEWMAN'S PSYCHOLOGICAL DISCOVERY: THE ILLATIVE SENSE (V. Continued) 15. The Universals. A long and vehement dispute once raged about the reality of universals. Are they only mental creations, forged by the human brain, without any reality outside them, or have they some independent existence apart from their mental reality? Anyhow, there was an apparent contradiction between die universal character of our ideas and the individual character of concrete things. (...)
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  36.  56
    Memory and Intuition: A Focal Debate in Fourteenth Century Cognitive Psychology.Marilyn McCord Adams & O. F. M. Wolter - 1993 - Franciscan Studies 53 (1):175-192.
  37.  47
    A Provisional Calendar of St. John Capistran's Correspondence: Part III: The Crusade Against the Turks: May 18, 1455-December 10, 1456. [REVIEW]O. F. M. Bonmann, O. F. M. Gedeon & Jason M. Miskuly - 1992 - Franciscan Studies 52 (1):283-327.
  38.  47
    Ethical Writings: Ethics and A Dialogue between a Philosopher, a Jew, and a Christian by Peter Abelard. [REVIEW]O. F. M. Davies - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):349-351.
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    The Oxford Companion to the Bible ed. by Bruce M. Metzger and Michael D. Coogan. (review).O. F. M. O'Connor - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):347-349.
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  40.  93
    Original Sin according to John Duns Scotus.O. F. M. Ernesto Dezza - 2021 - Franciscan Studies 79 (1):111-132.
    This article is intended to offer a textual and evaluative presentation of the theory of original sin as elaborated by the Franciscan master John Duns Scotus, the “Subtle Doctor.”While there are many studies and articles about Scotus’ ethics, few are devoted to what is considered the root of evil human behavior, and hardly any analyze the text of the Subtle Doctor in any sufficient depth.1 Perhaps because this topic belongs more strictly to theology, it is seldom considered in depth by (...)
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  41. Duns Scotus: The Basic Principles of his Philosophy.O. F. M. BETTONI E. - 1961
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  42. La Costituzione gerarchica della Chiesa in S. Bonaventura.Antonio Blasucci & O. F. M. Antonio - 1968 - Miscellanea Francescana 68:81-101.
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  43.  25
    Bonaventure of Bagnoregio: A Transcription of the Third Collation of the Hexaëmeron from the St. Petersburg Manuscript.Pietro Maranesi O. F. M. Cap & O. F. M. Stewart - 1993 - Franciscan Studies 53 (1):47-57.
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    (1 other version)Newman's Psychological Discovery: The Illative Sense.Dr Zeno O. F. M. Cap - 1950 - Franciscan Studies 10 (3):207-240.
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    Synthesis: The Existence of the Illative Sense.Dr Zeno O. F. M. Cap - 1952 - Franciscan Studies 12 (2):196-213.
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    The Illative Sense.Dr Zeno O. F. M. Cap - 1952 - Franciscan Studies 12 (3-4):263-300.
  47.  19
    The Newman-Meynell Correspondence.Dr Zeno O. F. M. Cap - 1952 - Franciscan Studies 12 (3-4):301-348.
  48. Scotus’s Ordinatio on Certain Knowledge.O. F. M. Colmán Ó Huallacháin - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8:105-114.
    It is well known that the medieval scholastics did not begin their philosophy systematically with an explicit theory of knowledge. Unfortunately many people have concluded from that fact that the very idea of an epistemology, and especially the idea of a critique of knowledge, was completely foreign to them. Within recent years authors such as Professor Van Steenberghen and Father Copleston have done a great deal to spread a correct understanding of St. Thomas’s views on this matter. Much evidence might (...)
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  49.  33
    Antonio di Padova: Uomo Evangelico, Contributi biografici e dottrinali ed. by Luciano Bertazzo. (review).Jude Winkler O. F. M. Conv - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):333-335.
  50.  29
    "It Pleases Me That You Should Teach Sacred Theology": Franciscans Doing Theology.Michael W. Blastic O. F. M. Conv - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):1-25.
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